Here shows how you can check the usage of your API key in different statistic ways, including monthly history, current month usage and request logs over the time. Below are the endpoints that you can use to get the usage information of your API key.

Current Month Usage API - version 1 (v1)
Name Description
api-key (header) API key which you will receive with your subscription here
Code Description
200 OK is returned to indicate that the command was successful.
Field Name Description
currentMonth Current month in format "YYYY-MM"
contractQuota Number of pages can be processed, defined by the contract
quotaUsed Shows how many pages have been processed by Eagle Doc
overUsageAllowed It is boolean to indicate if the over usage is allowed. If over usage is not allowed, the quotaUsed cannot be over contractQuota.
hardLimit hardLimit defines a number of pages which the user or Eagle Doc sets, so that the quotaUsed cannot be larger than hardLimit.
overUsage overUsage indicates the number of pages has been over the contract quota, which equals (quotaUsed - contractQuota).
pricePerPageOverUsage pricePerPageOverUsage defines the price per page over the contract quota, which is aggreed between API users and Eagle Doc.
overUsageCost overUsageCost is calculated by overUsage x pricePerPageOverUsage.
                                    "currentMonth": "2025-03",
                                    "contractQuota": 2000,
                                    "quotaUsed": 25,
                                    "overUsageAllowed": true,
                                    "hardLimit": null,
                                    "overUsage": 0,
                                    "pricePerPageOverUsage": 0.0,
                                    "overUsageCost": 0.0
403 BadCredentialException is used to indicate that for example the API key is not valid.
500 InternalServerErrorException is used to indicate that something went wrong. Reason is not known.

Monthly usage history of API - version 1 (v1)
Name Description
api-key (header) API key which you will receive with your subscription here
Code Description
200 OK is returned to indicate that the command was successful.
Field Name Description
quotaUsed Shows how many pages have been processed by Eagle Doc
quotaDate The month of the quota used
additionalInfo additionalInfo includes keys: PricePerPageOverUsage, ContractQuota, PricePerPage. PricePerPageOverUsage indicates the price per page over the contract usage; ContractQuota indicates the number of pages which can be processed by the contract; PricePerPage indicates the price per page for usage within the contract quota.
                                        "quotaUsed": 25,
                                        "quotaDate": "2025-03",
                                        "additionalInfo": {
                                            "PricePerPageOverUsage": 0.028,
                                            "ContractQuota": 10000,
                                            "PricePerPage": 0.03,                       
                                        "quotaUsed": 265,
                                        "quotaDate": "2025-02",
                                        "additionalInfo": {}
                                        "quotaUsed": 282,
                                        "quotaDate": "2025-01",
                                        "additionalInfo": {}
403 BadCredentialException is used to indicate that for example the API key is not valid.
500 InternalServerErrorException is used to indicate that something went wrong. Reason is not known.

Request Logs of APIs - version 1 (v1)
Name Description
api-key (header) API key which you will receive with your subscription here
Code Description
200 OK is returned to indicate that the command was successful.
Field Name Description
pages Number pages sent of the request
time The time when the request is processed by Eagle Doc
timeRequested The time when the request is received by Eagle Doc
                                        "pages": 6,
                                        "time": "2025-02-28T10:01:11.333Z",
                                        "timeRequested": "2025-02-28T10:00:52.129Z"
                                        "pages": 1,
                                        "time": "2025-02-28T09:59:16.621Z",
                                        "timeRequested": "2025-02-28T09:59:08.292Z"
                                        "pages": 1,
                                        "time": "2025-02-28T09:54:07.883Z",
                                        "timeRequested": "2025-02-28T09:53:59.396Z"
403 BadCredentialException is used to indicate that for example the API key is not valid.
500 InternalServerErrorException is used to indicate that something went wrong. Reason is not known.

Management API version 1 (v1)
Name Description
api-key (header) API key which you will receive with your subscription here
Code Description
200 OK is returned to indicate that the command was successful.
Field Name Description
quota If a quota is in place, it will be shown here. Quotas can either be fixed, like 100 requests included in a package, after which no more requests can be made. Alternatively, you might have a flexible contract where extra requests are billed separately
quotaUsed Shows the number of pages were processed by Eagle Doc
currentMonth Displays the corresponding month for which this quota is applicable
                                    "quota": 100,
                                    "quotaUsed": 7,
                                    "currentMonth": "2025-03"
403 BadCredentialException is used to indicate that for example the API key is not valid.
500 InternalServerErrorException is used to indicate that something went wrong. Reason is not known.