
Receipt processing/extraction is a technique which often uses AI enabled OCR to extract meaningful information from a receipt image or a receipt document in PDF format. Those information include shop name, shop addresss, receipt date and time, total amount, currency and so on (click to see full list). Some solutions of receipt processing/extract can also retrieve product line items from the receipt image or document. The product item includes information like product name, price and quantity.

API or Application Programming Interface is a way for two applications or more to communicate with each other. API for receipt processing is a way to get key information of a receipt in a structured format by sending a receipt image or PDF to the supplier of the API for receipt processing.

Invoice processing/extraction, utilizes AI-enabled OCR to extract crucial information from an invoice image or PDF, including vendor details, invoice date, total amount, currency, and line items.

An API for invoice processing allows applications to retrieve structured information from an invoice image or PDF, facilitating seamless communication between systems.

Invoice OCR is a technique to extract structured information from an invoice, including vendor details, customer details, invoice date, due date, total amount, currency, line items, bank information and so on. The technique involves using AI-enabled OCR, machine learning/deep learning, NER(Name Entity Extraction) and LLM.

The difference between receipt OCR and invoice OCR is that invoice OCR is more complex and requires more information to be extracted from the invoice, such as vendor details, customer details, due date, bank information and so on.

Receipt OCR is a technique to extract structured information from a receipt, including receipt date and time, shop name and address, total price, currency, product line items and so on. The technique involves using AI-enabled OCR, machine learning/deep learning, NER(Name Entity Extraction) and LLM.

Finance OCR is a technique to extract structured information from finance documents: receipts and invoices. The technique involves using AI-enabled OCR, machine learning/deep learning, NER(Name Entity Extraction) and LLM. It is a combination of receipt OCR and invoice OCR with the ability to process both receipts and invoices.

Finance batching processing is a technique to process a batch of finance documents: receipts and invoices. The technique involves using AI-enabled OCR, machine learning/deep learning, NER(Name Entity Extraction) and LLM. It is a combination of receipt OCR and invoice OCR with the ability to process both receipts and invoices in a batch. Eagle Doc Finance Batching Processing can handle files with multiple receipts or invoices in one file, with the aid of Eagle Doc advanced document splitting technology.

The challenge of batching processing finance documents is to process multiple finance documents in one file. The solution needs to be able to split the file into individual documents and process each document separately. Eagle Doc Finance Batching Processing can handle files with multiple receipts or invoices in one file, with the aid of Eagle Doc advanced document splitting technology.

Eagle Doc products

Yes, Eagle Doc offers a solution for batch processing of finance documents (receipts/invoices). For more information, please check ((link)).

Eagle Doc can processing receipts and invoices, bank statements, contracts, ID cards, passports, delivery sheets, resume and more. We can process any document type in any language with 95%+ accuracy. Please contact us for more information.

Eagle Doc's APIs include: Receipt OCR API, Invoice OCR API, Finance Document OCR API, and Document Split API, Any Customised Document OCR API (works for bank statement parsing, resume parsing, passport parsing, delivery sheet parser, and so on). For more information, please check (link).

Eagle Doc supports 40+ languages, including English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and more. For more information, please check ((link)).

Eagle Doc Receipt processing from S2Tec can process one receipt in only seconds, mostly 2 seconds with an accuracy of more than 95%.

We will continuously work on our solution for document processing, to offer our customers constantly improving results.

Privacy and Server

We respect the privacy of your data. We will only use it to provide you the service of receipt or invoice processing and to improve the service itself. We also offer an option to delete the data right after processing. Please check out our documentation.

All our servers are located in Germany. If you have specific requirements which require servers in other countries, please contact us at:

The server of Eagle Doc is designed to be scalable with load balance and auto-scaling from aws.

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